Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Academic "Project" To Do List

I recently posted a Creative Projects To Do list to help motivate me to get them done. I realized that I need to do the same for some academic projects I have had sitting on the back burner as well. You'll note that most of these relate to writing, which is something I have always struggled with (*six years to do my PhD ahem*). I plan on tweeting my progress as a way to try to be accountable.

The (Academic) Projects:
- Update my World Prehistory (Anth219) course. I start teaching this again in the Fall so this needs to be done as soon as possible. Deadline: August.
- Update personal website. I would like to make all my conference posters and presentations available on my website. This requires some additional small projects: I will need to record my 2012 CAA Pecha Kucha style presentation, update course syllabi, update CV, etc. I do not need much time to do this so am setting myself a short deadline. I will also be scheduling reminders to update monthly. Deadline: End of September.
- Paper for the African Archaeological Review. This paper will also be based on my PhD work but will focus instead on the implications of my research for Africanists. Deadline: End of October.
- Research what it would take to get all of my lithic characterization data online. Deadline: November with goal of making this happen by this time next year (would like to coincide the launch of this for shortly after I publish).
- Paper for the Journal of Archaeological Science. Based on my PhD research, this paper will focus on the lithic characterization (mineralogy, petrography etc.). Deadline: End of January.
- Update my Introduction to Archaeology (Anth206) course. I will be teaching this in Winter 2014. Deadline: End of December.

I will be going back to work part time in February, once my parental leave is up, so I need to have all of these completed before then as I just don't think I'll have the energy to really crank out any significant work until that new work/stay-at-home mom routine is well established. Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. You are ambitious and I am 200% positive you'll get it done. I'll be cheering you on!
